Vexed by Sun Spots, Freckles or Unwanted Pigmentation?
Rani MD offers a path-breaking treatment program based on PhotoAcoustic Technology Pulse (PTP).
Pigmentation issues
Pigmentation-related issues are a common skin condition in the US and are often confused with signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles. Unlike age-related conditions, pigmentation issues such as freckles, sun spots and unwanted pigmentation is not related to age and happen when melanin or the skin pigment concentrates in select areas of the skin. Over-exposure to sunlight, and hence UV rays, is a known trigger for these 'pigmentation lesions'.
Treating Pigmentation issues
There are a plethora of treatments available in the market to treat pigmentation issues. However, not all of them are effective and some of them have strong side-effects.
At Rani MD, we use RevLite, a path-breaking laser technology to treat pigmentation issues. RevLite is an advanced laser technology which harnesses Q-Switched Nd:YAG wavelengths to permanently eliminate freckles, sun spots, brown spots and unwanted pigmentation. The amplified light beams reverberate along the target spot, breaking the melanin concentrate into smaller particles. This destroys the dark spot, and lightens it significantly. While 1 or 2 sessions are enough to remove most lesions, deeper lesions require multiple sittings.
The Procedure
A trained medical practitioner who has the required experience and expertise administers the laser shots which are a series of short, rapid bursts of energy. These are more effective and produce less discomfort to the patient. Most patients feel a mild sensation that is similar to the snapping of a rubber band, when the laser pulse is applied. The procedure is non-surgical and does not require anaesthesia. Side effects include reddening of the skin at the spot, that is similar to sunburn and which will disappear in a day or two.
If you would like to know your suitability for this procedure, schedule an appointment with us at the earliest. Our staff who is trained on RevLite will conduct some tests on you, before you begin the program.
General note: Results vary from person to person.