Human blood is rich in mesanchymal stem cells and platelets which are made of proteins and cytokines. All these are known to stimulate and sustain tissue growth and healing. That is why; in the last 2 decades, scientists have been isolating platelets from the blood to create a serum called Platelets Rich Plasma or PRP which is used in skin and wound healing, oral surgery, cosmetic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedics and other treatments to accelerate healing and growth regeneration.
More recently, PRP has been found to be effective in restoring hair in those patients whose hair follicles are not entirely dead but rendered inactive. This is more common in people with thinning hair, and alopecia or male pattern baldness.
Hair Restoration Procedure
The patient's blood is drawn from the arms, and then centrifuged in a sterile environment to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood. This platelets rich blood is then injected into the scalp of the patient to begin with. Subsequently, micro-needling is done. That is, using a fine needle, the PRP is injected again into the channels created by the needles. Local anaesthesia is administered to the scalp region to minimize discomfort. The entire procedure lasts 60-90 minutes depending on how severe is the hair loss. 4 sittings spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, plus 2 maintenance therapy sessions 4 months apart constitutes the normal treatment.
After 4 weeks, the patient can notice a fuzz of hair growth on the scalp. For best results, the course can be repeated every 4 months over a period of two years. PRP is not an exclusive form of treatment and can be paired with hair transplant and other forms of treatment that use orally-administered drugs.
Are There Any Precautions I Must Take For PRP Therapy?
Patients with a history of heavy smoking, alcohol or drug abuse cannot benefit from this form of treatment. So also, patients suffering from certain ailments and blood-related disorders cannot go in for the PRP therapy. Please discuss your medical history in detail with your physician who will then tell you whether the PRP therapy is for you or not.
General note: Results vary from patient to patient.
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